Pritzker-plus tour of Cornell campus

[Updated below] I was asked by some architecture students to conduct a walking tour of the Cornell campus so, after some thought, I proposed a “Pritzker-plus” tour, taking in the six Cornell buildings designed by Pritzker laureates (i.e., Koolhaas, Pei, Stirling, Mayne, Meier, and Bunshaft) as well as some of by own favorite campus buildings (Uris Library’s A.D. White room, Thurston Hall, Duffield Hall, and Bradfield Hall). Google says this is a 2.5 mile (4 km) walk. We’re meeting at the “bubbles” in Milstein Hall’s Duane and Dalia Stiller Arcade at 10:00 AM, Friday, May 12, 2023.

Poster and map for my walking tour of Pritzker-plus buildings on Cornell’s campus: May 12, 2023.

Update (August 29, 2023): We did a second iteration of this walking tour on Monday, August 28, 2023,  at 4:45 PM. See blog post.

Jonathan Ochshorn addresses tour group inside Stirling’s Schwartz Center for the performing Arts st Cornell (photo by Max Rodencal)


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  1. Pingback: Pritzker-plus redux - Impatient Search

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