I’m Now a Certified Passive House Consultant

Having passed my written and design exams, I’m now a Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC), and can be located on “Find a professional” website. This is a designation awarded by Phius, the Passive House Institute US. Essentially, Phius passive houses are designed and built to be air-tight and super-insulated, so they use very little energy. Heating and cooling is typically accomplished with small heat pumps. Air quality is maintained by using heat- or energy-recovery ventilation systems (HRV or ERV).

Logo for Phius Certified Consultant

I’m not sure at this point what I’ll do with this credential, but the coursework — including both self-paced online content and in-person via Zoom sessions — was extremely valuable: highly recommended! My first project, not necessarily one that will achieve Phius certification, will undoubtedly be my own house, which could use an energy/envelope upgrade.

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