Only the brick shell of Rand Hall will remain after its “renovation”; the historically and culturally resonant interior—the entire structure above the second-floor slab including the third floor shown here, along with all exterior clerestory and steel frame factory windows—is being gutted and replaced by an overblown expression of architectural vanity and adolescent posturing: “look at me!” say the hanging book stacks. The low-value spaces that have proved so useful and flexible over the past 105 years are being replaced by a high-value single-use inflexible space that is already obsolete before it is even completed, an epic squandering of physical and monetary resources. More information can be found here. (Photo by Jonathan Ochshorn, Dec. 2017)
overblown expression of architectural vanity and adolescent posturing: “look at me!”
That’s how the plan for Milstein Hall struck me when I saw it years ago. How did that one
turn out?
Milstein Hall (Rem Koolhaas/OMA) was, indeed, similar in its architectural posturing and dysfunctionality to the current scheme for a new Fine Arts Library in Rand Hall. I’ve written extensively about Milstein Hall at: https://jonochshorn.com/milsteinhall/.
I love tenure. Say it Jon.